The MnSGC is running an Intercollegiate Quadcopter Challenge for student teams from colleges and universities around the state. In this six-month-long activity the teams, plus their faculty advisor, will build a quadcopter from a kit, outfit it with camera(s) and microcontroller-logged sensors, then use it to “explore” an indoor area. In-person (AKA fly-off) activities will be held March 27, 2020 (evening – at the U of MN – Twin Cities campus) and March 28, 2020 (all day – at Hamline University) in the Twin Cities. The general public is welcome to attend the fly-off activities – use the CONTACT US link to request more information.
Sign-ups are now closed for the 2019-2020 challenge (though we may sign up a new set of teams in the fall of 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year). Faculty advisor (in person) training took place on Oct. 13 at the U of MN – Twin Cities and a kick-off for student teams (by videocon) was held Oct. 27. Quadcopter kits were provided, but teams need to provide their own tools, build space, and travel support.
For more information about this program, contact Prof. Thelma Berquo at
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