University of Minnesota Ballooning Team to present eclipse trip results at AEM Open House on October 26

Eight students on the University of Minnesota Eclipse Ballooning Team, plus Professor Flaten, flew two stratospheric balloons above New Mexico during the annular eclipse on October 14, 2023, as part of NASA’s Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Program.

The UMN team will exhibit their hardware and show results, including cool 360-degree video footage.

Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics
Departmental Open House

October, 26, 2023
5–7:30 p.m.
Akerman Hall
110 SE Union Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The event is open to the public. A flier is attached to the end of this post and is available as a PDF.

The UMN system did not live-stream very much footage. For a sample of an NEBP live stream from a Montana State University balloon that flew during the annular eclipse,  check out the following video, starting at 1 hour 15 minutes:


For more on information about NASA’s Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project visit the Eclipse Website at Montana State University.